Programma April 2011

Vrijdag 5/12/19/26 April:
21u – 24u Baravond

Vrijdag 1 April:
20u Voku
21u Live muziek
Matu &Barbara Breedijk

Donderdag 7 April
21u Flimavond; It’s about time! Screening a movie or documentary we should have screened a long time ago

Vrijdag 8 April:
20u Voku
21u Live muziek
Leendert & Zigeuners op klompen

Donderdag 14 April
21u Flimavond; Recep Ivedik – Turkish trash comedy on Recep’s bizarre adventures.

Vrijdag 15 April:
20u Voku
21u Live muziek
Banda Armada & Peter van Reyen

Zondag 17 April:
16u – 20 u powésie & mµZiq
De schrijver EWALD VANVUGT spreekt over

Donderdag 21 April:
21u Flimavond; William Burroughs - The man within (Yoni Leyser) William Burroughs was one of the first to cross the dangerous boundaries of queer and drug culture in the 1950s, and write about his experiences. Eventually he was hailed the godfather of the beat generation and influenced artists for generations to come.
Why do we throw away so much? And how can we stop this kind of waste?

Vrijdag 22 April:
20u Voku
21u Live muziek
Longconcersations & André

Donderdag 28 April
21u Flimavond; Taste the Waste (Valentin Thurn, 2010) A documentary about the worldwide destruction of food. Why do we throw away so much? And how can we stop this kind of waste?

Vrijdag 29 April:
20u Voku
21u Live muziek & cocktails
Anton Barbeau & De Beatzers